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Hour 1: Creation

Downloads for this Session:

handout powerpoint


The links below explore further the idea that the Bible teaches Creation, rather that Slow Creation

Geoff Lumley's reasons for rejecting Slow Creation: "the ways science PROVES the Bible"
"Humans Evolved and that's that!" - DeBunked Youtube Channel that looks at many issues relating to Truth
Dr Jason Lisle: Dinosaurs and the Bible Dr Jason Lisle: "The Ultimate Proof of Creation"
Dr Jason Lisle: Science confirms Creationism Professor talks about the 4 axioms of evolution (never observed) and 4 of creation (seen everywhere)
Genesis Apologetics: Noah's Flood and Catastrophic Plate Tectonics Genesis Impact: the hole in the theory of Evolution

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Link to UK shop of Creation Ministries for books and DVDs relating to this theme.

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